
Showing posts from October, 2008

The Meltdown and Career with BPOs

Everyone today is wondering how the global financial crisis will negatively impact Indian business process outsourcing (BPO) companies. But what exactly is the crisis and how was it caused? Why are the BPO Companies so susceptible to something happening on the shore of the Americas? Read on to figure out why the BPO honchos are so worried and how it will impact employees. The Financial Meltdown: Sub-prime Story For years, banks in the US have been lending out huge sums of money in the form of sub-prime mortgages commonly known in India as Home Loans. These mortgages are given to people who, by definition, are unlikely to repay them, i.e. where the risk of the debtor defaulting is relatively high and debt settlement may become an issue. Since housing prices were consistently rising, the banks did not perceive a lot of risk: since if the debtor defaulted on the loan, the bank could simply seize and sell the house and not incur a loss. Then, house prices in the US started falling. And k...

US Financial Meltdown, Economic Recession & Outsourcing

It seems that growth prospects for the business process outsourcing ( BPO ) industry remain bright despite a general slowdown in the global economy. Terms like US Financial Meltdown, Economic Recession would be like sing songs to the Indian BPOs who would be looking at grabbing a pie of the BPO businesses as US businesses would need to become leaner to effectively manage their costs without compromising on quality. US companies are under tremendous pressure to reduce cost and increase revenue and therefore the impact on business process outsourcing would be fairly obvious. The need to offshore and outsource non core but essential business processes will stem from the need to cut costs and rationalize resources. Outsourcing will grow as this helps organizations to become nimble and efficient by offshoring as these are non-discretionary spending especially on IT. and related services. In the immediate to short term there will be pricing pressures that the service providers will have to c...

Obama vows to curb outsourcing

Mon, Oct 27 12:18 PM Financial Express Sitting politically 'pretty' with only a week to go for Presidential polls, the Democratic nominee Barack Obama has kept hammering away with his theme of creating jobs and curbing outsourcing and blamed the Republicans for the mess America finds itself in. Back on the campaign trail after a short break in Hawaii to see his ailing maternal grand mother, Senator Obama was in the "Red" state of Colorado pushing his economic plans. Holding the Bush administration and by extension his Republican rival John McCain for the current economic recess, Obama said, "It's time to turn the page on eight years of economic policies that put Wall Street before Main Street but ended up hurting both." "We need policies that grow our economy from the bottom-up, so that every American, everywhere, has the chance to get ahead -- not just the person who owns the factory, but the men and women who work on its floor; not just the CEO, ...

Debt Collection & India

the New York Times reports. Indian collectors are “very polite, very respectful, and they don’t raise their voice,” says one CEO. And a big payout in India can be a quarter of the salary American collectors expect. Ever since outsourcing to India took off in a big way, Americans have been used to receiving calls from India for health care claims, calling cards and credit card sales. However debt collection today has become a big business for business process outsourcing companies in India. Especially as the American economy slows down, its consumers are finding it difficult to pay for their purchases. While country cousin mortgage loans involve complex state and national laws for collections, they are almost always handled by debt collection companies using their teams in the United States. Credit card, auto and other sundry debts have become prime candidates for collection from overseas BPO centers. As the US financial crisis plunges Americans into debt, the debt collection business...

Data Management Services

The speed of production today makes the accessibility of precise, comprehensive information an absolute essential. Whether your corporation is multinational or just starting off, the more you know about markets, customers, or clients; the better you can track results, measure efficiency, and analyze data; and the faster you have vital information, the better your results will be. This holds good for corporations, physicians, attorneys, automobile manufacturers, hospitals, marketing companies, and just about any other business you can imagine that needs information fast. Businesses are always looking for the information that will help them run day-to-day operations or to plan for the development of future growth. Customer satisfaction surveys are a constant of modern life as are comment cards, coupon mailers, and contests. Some companies can be virtually overwhelmed by the amount of data entry required just to keep things moving. This can be especially true of medical facilities, insura...

BPO & The Indian Market

Early history The ITES-BPO industry in India is a relatively young and nascent sector, barely over five years old in this business segment. Despite its recent arrival on the Indian map to form a part of the export-oriented IT software and services environment, the industry has shown amazing growth and future potential. What began as an activity confined to multinational companies, is today a broad based business platform backed by leading Indian IT software and services organizations and other third party providers. According to NASSCOM, there are over 200 companies participating in the ITES-BPO segment and the numbers are growing every year. The arrival of the MNCs The early entrants—subsidiaries of foreign companies that were set up to cater to the process offshoring requirements of their parent companies—are currently in the phase of maturation and consolidation. Having successfully established operations in India and enabled their parent companies to achieve key bottom line benefit...