The Meltdown and Career with BPOs
Everyone today is wondering how the global financial crisis will negatively impact Indian business process outsourcing (BPO) companies. But what exactly is the crisis and how was it caused? Why are the BPO Companies so susceptible to something happening on the shore of the Americas? Read on to figure out why the BPO honchos are so worried and how it will impact employees. The Financial Meltdown: Sub-prime Story For years, banks in the US have been lending out huge sums of money in the form of sub-prime mortgages commonly known in India as Home Loans. These mortgages are given to people who, by definition, are unlikely to repay them, i.e. where the risk of the debtor defaulting is relatively high and debt settlement may become an issue. Since housing prices were consistently rising, the banks did not perceive a lot of risk: since if the debtor defaulted on the loan, the bank could simply seize and sell the house and not incur a loss. Then, house prices in the US started falling. And k...